Fireplace Design

Fires & Fireplaces

We have experience in installing and creating fireplaces of all types in Traditional and Modern styles.

Traditional Fireplaces

We can provide a wide range of Traditional or period style fireplaces to suit your home, or revitalise the original surround many older properties have, bringing them back to life and updating them with working fires.

Modern Fireplaces

Many people want to modernise and minimise the look of their fireplace and we have done a wide range of sleek modern fireplaces that will transform your living rooms.

Wood Burning and Multifuel Stoves

The most efficient and sustainable fire to heat your home. All our stoves are DEFRA and 2022 Ecodesign ready. Hugely popular and our biggest seller, woodburning and multifuel stoves are our speciality. Available in modern or traditional, freestanding or inset we can provide the look you are after.

Gas Fires

Gas fires are still one of the best heat sources for your living room, we do many high efficiency models now that not only look great but provide a great heat too. Glass fronted fires offer more efficiency and the open fronted versions maintain that realistic look. We also do balanced flue gas fire for homes without chimneys.

Electric Fires

There has been an upsurge in Electric fires lately and the range has improved vastly. A great option for houses without chimneys. Low maintenance and a cost effective way of having that flame effect in your room. Perfect for a Media wall with your TV above.